Roof Repairs

UPDATE – February 2025 – The lead which was stolen from our beautiful Church roof in Wincanton in July 2024 is currently being replaced. Please take extreme care around the Church whilst works are ongoing for the next two weeks. These works have been made possible by the kind and generous donations received via our appeal. A sincere and heartfelt THANK YOU to all those who so generously donated to the appeal, making an incredible difference and adding over £3,000 towards the cost of these works.

July 2024 – EMERGENCY! LEAD STRIPPED from our beautiful Church roof in July, requiring immediate and costly repairs. Any financial help will be very gratefully received. To make a donation follow this link: or you can donate via cheque made payable to ‘Wincanton PCC’ and sent to the Parish Office, 38 High Street, Wincanton BA9 9JF, or contact the Parish Administrator. THANK YOU. Every £1 will help enormously and be very gratefully received. Bless You.

Essential Roof Repairs – Circa £160,000 – NOW COMPLETED!

UPDATE – January 2024: THANK YOU for all your kind and generous donations to our Roof Appeal. The works to the Tower and Organ Loft roofs STARTED in October 2023 and FINISHED in DECEMBER 2023. THANK YOU to all our amazing donors – click on the link above to see our list of donors.

In the past we have already repaired and replaced two large sections of the roof of parish church, the Aisle and Old Nave in 2007 and the Main Nave in 2011. It has now been identified that we need to repeat this process for the roofs over the Tower, Organ, Clergy and Choir Vestries.

Sadly, more recent water ingress in two areas of the church roof necessitated further investigation. This resulted in our consultants undertaking an inspection of the Tower and Organ Chamber roof sections, in October 2019.

A summary of the condition of both roofs was published and recommendations were incorporated within the report. You can read the report here: Summary of Inspection

After careful consideration by the PCC, it was agreed that both roofs should be replaced. It was generally felt the option of repair may only defer their eventual replacement, given the fact that repairs have taken place numerous times, especially on the Tower roof.

It was recognised a duty of care must preside when making such decisions, especially as our church is a Grade 2* listed property. Possible damage to the Church Organ and Bells through water ingress could have far reaching consequences.

Tenders to undertake the work have been invited and received, although they vary in price. An indication of the total cost of the work involved is Circa £160,000. This cost could easily increase, especially in the current climate.

Funding has to be secured before work can commence. The PCC has agreed to designate the sum of £50,000 towards the project, which leaves a shortfall of £100,000. Grants are currently being sought from various grant funding bodies. However, this can be a lengthy process, without any guarantee on the eventual outcome.

The desire for many years to re-order the church, which would provide essential toilets and improved facilities, has sadly been deferred until after completion of these essential roof repairs. Plans for the re-ordering which have been drawn and agreed in principle, will be retained and worked on once the roof project is complete.

UPDATE – JUNE 2023: Through grant funding and generous public donations our total raised so far for the Roof Appeal is now circa £140,000. 

As from March 2023 you can partake in our new Spread The Lead Campaign, see the poster available to download below. You can purchase your own section of lead for the new roof! Sections of lead for the roof are available for £1, £10 or £100. If you feel you would like further information, or could offer help, please feel free to make contact.

To kindly donate you can follow this link: Appeal

Contact details are as follows:

Parish Church Office, 38 High Street, Wincanton, BA9 9JF. Telephone 01963 824503

